Sunday, September 15, 2013

In my red high heels...

Shorts Zara/ Heels Aldo/ Bag Chanel/ Top Old/ Necklace JCrew

I always struggle with what to write. I typically write a paragraph about how I am feeling, what I am thinking, some goal that I have, etc., but I always end up deleting it. I know the blog is supposed to be my space, where I can put what I want and not care. However, it can be difficult to open yourself up like that for several reasons...will anybody read it? take it seriously? care? I also realize that I go in cycles with my attitude (not caring, being angry, working hard at be a "good" person etc.). I guess what I am trying to say is that I am not ready to let anybody/everybody/nobody into my crazy little mind like I let those (un)lucky few :) I know that I have said similar things before, so I guess my consistent topic is discussing the difficulty that I have coming up with topics.